Sunday, July 15, 2007

Well, it's Sunday morning and our holiday is over. We're Helena, Montana and we need to get home tonight. Lorna's slavedriver will be expecting her in the morning. I could probably pretend I'm at work for a couple of more days. Ahh, probably not. So, on Friday morning we left the Grand Canyon, stopping at viewpoints on the way out not wanting to leave but knowing that we had to tear ourselves away. We headed north through Utah. There was beautiful scenery but we didn't take pictures. I think we wore out our camera at the Grand Canyon. We were in Salt Lake City Friday night. Yesterday we drove up through the southern part of Idaho into Montana. We stopped at a museum on the way. We had seen billboard ads for a Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit so we checked it out. Very interesting. The scroll fragments they had on display honestly didn't look much different than burnt corn flakes but they also had on display Bibles that were printed in the 1500's. Amazing! There were exhibits about people such as John Wycliffe, Tyndale, and Luther, people who gave so much, even their lives so that we could have and read God's Word in our own language. It was a good stop to make.
Well we're going to get some breakfast, do a little bit of shopping, and head home. This will be our last post of our holidays but we will continue to update the blog. Keep checking us out.


Jonathan said...

Keep writing! I just read your blog and rather enjoyed it. Maybe you should keep tripping and writing? That sounds like fun, write? :O)

ARast said...

Sounds like your trip was really fun. I like all the pictures especially of the cow lol thats so fun.